Wear Money Online by PTC

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Online business is much favored by the novice marketer is PTC. PTC (Paid to Click, or Pay to Clik) ​​is a program that provides payments to members who knew-click and view ads they provide. Although we do not actually have to memplototi these ads. Is not when we are online, we can open 5 sites at once. This business will not disturb the activities we used to do when the surf. So we can facebook her, twiter-ran, to find the data for a school or college assignments, watching movies, we even play games. Make money online in PTC is very easy, free and certainly no risk because the business does not require capital PTC. Diperlukanpun not a lot of time, an average of 1 ads we only take 30 seconds. Ask yourself, how many times a week we ngenet? Too bad if we do not take the opportunity to earn this extra income. A lot of PTC sites that exist. PTC sites each provide a different fee for each ad click, ranging from Rp. 50 - Rp. 300, - per click. In addition the number of ads that are provided are also different in number, at least 3 ads, and some have more than 10 ads. Initially we did a small income, but by the number of ads that are more than one then we just multiply the pay per click with how many ads we click. So if every day we routinely to click too much money so we get, but we have no capital out anything. Moreover, if we have lots of spare and joined some PTC sites.
PTC is the potential to earn a substantial income because at these sites there are ways to increase our revenue. For this we can find info on the term of service and forum on each of these PTC sites because each site has its own policy on this. Before you decide to try this business, first prepare our bank account number (must BCA, Mandiri, or BNI) and make a paypal account for PTC abroad. How to make it here. Having prepared the bank account number and paypal account so we can start looking for easy money through PTC. Way beyond the PTC list:
A. Click PTC sites that exist, there is usually no direct registration form, but if not there just click register / register
2. Follow the steps and fill in the blanks! For personal email should be the same as paypal email, may also not the same.
3. Then you will be asked to verify. Well, the site should not be close! But open a new tab, look in your email, in which there is a verification code. If you use 2 different emails, both opened. Because each email will be sent a verification code which is different.
4. Copy and paste the code verification, back to the site, copy and paste to enter the verification box.
5. Click Finish regristration. Completed, and you can login to PTC from the outside you have to have a paypal account first. How to make it here.
The way the list of PTC in the country is relatively easy, because it does not need to verify via email. The steps are the same as those described above.
Ways to money:
A. Click view advertisiment / view add / surf add / view ads / click ads. There are a number of some of the ads to be clicked on that day.
2. Click on an ad, there are red dots / yellow / white, click on that point. Wait until loading is complete advertising, no writing-validated or validated so just check and the amount of money has been transferred into your account. You can close the ad.
3. Back to view advertisiment / view add / surf add / view ads / click more ads. Click again, do as the first step. And so on until all the ad is clicked all.
If already a member frequently read the forums, see also terms of service (TOS) or the FAQ on their site. For external use only PTC google translate or visit the forum non English, select the forum you are in Indonesian language. From there we will get a lot of important information from seniors who had already joined the PTC program. so you added steadily to his business this PTC. Because a lot of scam PTC alias does not pay its members.
Here are some of the foreign and domestic PTC reliable and best (no scam):
PTC in the country, paid pake dollars:

PTC out, get paid to use the dollar:

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